Silverlight Control Tutorial 2

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This is an extended version of the Silverlight Control Tutorial. It demonstrates how to get a reference to the controls created so you can detect what was clicked and manipulate the object.

In this version, when you click anywhere on the box above the last box moves:

and when you click on a button you see the name of the button:

Why You Would Want To Use This Pattern

Let's say you needed 10 containers, each with a Image control so you could display a picture.

With this pattern you would make only 1 container in the Container.xaml file. The associated JavaScript file would be called Container.js and define an object called Container. Then you place 10 instances of Container on your page. To add an image to each Container you would set the image like this:

    Container[1].Element.findName(“ImageControl”).Source = “myImage.jpg”

This should save a lot of code because if the Containers are created and set using a loop, you could create 100 Containers with the same amount of code as you would need for just 1. Remember to use the downloader object to retrieve any assets like images to ensure all assets are available before trying to use them.

The Code

The code is exactly the same as the code in Silverlight Control Tutorial except for the changes noted below:


if (!window.ObjectTest)
window.ObjectTest = {};

ObjectTest.Page = function()

var objBox = new Array(5);
var CurrentLocation = 160;

ObjectTest.Page.prototype =

handleLoad: function(control, userContext, rootElement)

// create 5 instances of the "box" object

    for(i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
        objBox[i] = new box("box" + i, rootElement, i * 40);

rootElement.addEventListener("MouseLeftButtonDown", Silverlight.createDelegate(this, this.handleMouseDown));


handleMouseDown: function(sender, eventArgs)
    //Move last Box
    CurrentLocation = CurrentLocation + 10;
    objBox[4]._BoxTitle.text = CurrentLocation.toString();
    objBox[4].Element["Canvas.Left"] = CurrentLocation;
    objBox[4].Element["Canvas.Top"] = CurrentLocation + 10;




// Michael Washington
// Silverlight Tutorials

// Adapted from Justin-Josef Angel's
// "Silverlight Controls - The path to reusable XAML"

// This JavaScript file defines the object "box"

box = function(ID, Parent, XLocation)

    this._ID = ID + "_";
    this._parent = Parent;
    this._XLocation = XLocation;
    this._host = this._parent.getHost();

// The first step is to retrive the XAML content for the "box"

box.prototype =

_findNameByXamlID : function(nameInXamlFile)
    return this._parent.findName(this._getIdFor(nameInXamlFile));

_getIdFor : function(nameInXamlFile)
    return this._ID + nameInXamlFile;

StartXamlDownload : function()
    // A Silverlight "downloader" object is used to retrieve the "box.xaml" file that contains
    // the XAML for the "box"
    // A delegate is created that will call the "XamlDownloadCompleted" method when the
    // download is completed

    var xamlDownloader = this._host.createObject("downloader");"GET", "box.xaml");
    xamlDownloader.addEventListener("completed", Silverlight.createDelegate(this, this.XamlDownloadCompleted));


XamlDownloadCompleted : function(sender, eventArgs)
    // The download of "box.xaml" has been completed
    // "sender.ResponseText" contains the contents of "box.xaml"

    var originalXaml = sender.ResponseText;

    // In order to avoid name collisions, the name of each "box" object will be replaced
    // with a name that begins with the ID that was passed in the object constructor

    originalXaml = originalXaml.replace(/Name="/g, "Name=\"" + this._ID);

    // The altered "box.xaml" is used to create a XAML object
    var plugin = sender.getHost();
    var newElement = plugin.content.createFromXaml(originalXaml)

    // Set Element to the XAML object so that it can be manipulated
    this.Element = newElement;

    // The "box" will now be added to the main Canvas

    // The XML object is added to the element passed in the constructor


    // Now that the "box" has been added to the main Canvas
    // the "BoxTitle" will be altered and the "box" position will be set


_setControlReferences : function()
    // This method sets the "BoxTitle" and the "box" position
    this._BoxTitle = this._findNameByXamlID("BoxTitle");
    this._BoxTitle.text = this._XLocation.toString();

    this._box = this._findNameByXamlID("box");
    this._box["Canvas.Left"] = this._XLocation;
    this._box["Canvas.Top"] = this._XLocation + 10;

    this._box.addEventListener("MouseLeftButtonDown", Silverlight.createDelegate(this, this.handleMouseDown));

handleMouseDown: function(sender, eventArgs)
    alert("Box clicked = " + this._BoxTitle.text);



Download the complete source code here: 

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