DotNetNukeŽ Silverlight ToolBar

// Michael Washington
// Silverlight Tutorials
// Adapted from Justin-Josef Angel's
// "Silverlight Controls - The path to reusable XAML"
// This JavaScript file defines the object "box"
box = function(ID, Parent, XLocation, XAMLFile, imgPicture, strWebsite)
    this._ID = ID + "_";
    this._parent = Parent; 
    this._XLocation = XLocation;
    this._XAMLFile = XAMLFile;
    this._imgPicture = imgPicture;
    this._strWebsite = strWebsite;
    this._host = this._parent.getHost();
    // The first step is to retrive the XAML content for the "box"
box.prototype = 
    _findNameByXamlID : function(nameInXamlFile)
        return this._parent.findName(this._getIdFor(nameInXamlFile)); 
    _getIdFor : function(nameInXamlFile)
        return this._ID + nameInXamlFile;        
    StartXamlDownload : function()
        // A Silverlight "downloader" object is used to retrieve the "box.xaml" file that contains
        // the XAML for the "box"
        // A delegate is created that will call the "XamlDownloadCompleted" method when the 
        // download is completed
        var xamlDownloader = this._host.createObject("downloader");"GET", this._XAMLFile);
        xamlDownloader.addEventListener("completed", Silverlight.createDelegate(this, this.XamlDownloadCompleted));
    DownloadPicture : function()
        // A Silverlight "downloader" object is used to retrieve the picture
        // A delegate is created that will call the "XamlDownloadCompleted" method when the 
        // download is completed
        var xamlDownloader = this._host.createObject("downloader");"GET", this._imgPicture);
        xamlDownloader.addEventListener("completed", Silverlight.createDelegate(this, this.PictureDownloadCompleted));
    XamlDownloadCompleted : function(sender, eventArgs)
        // The download of "box.xaml" has been completed
        // "sender.ResponseText" contains the contents of "box.xaml"
        var originalXaml = sender.ResponseText;
        // In order to avoid name collisions, the name of each "box" object will be replaced
        // with a name that begins with the ID that was passed in the object constructor
        originalXaml = originalXaml.replace(/Name="/g, "Name=\"" + this._ID);
        // The altered "box.xaml" is used to create a XAML object
        var newElement = this._host.content.createFromXaml(originalXaml)
        // Set Element to the XAML object so that it can be manipulated 
        this.Element = newElement;
        // The "box" will now be added to the main Canvas
        // The XML object is added to the element passed in the constructor
        // Now that the "box" has been added to the main Canvas
        // the "BoxTitle" will be altered and the "box" position will be set
        // Set the picture
        // The Downloader wil be used because it allows us to know when the image is ready
        // If we do not use the Downloader we may try to use an image that is not yet avalaible
    _setControlReferences : function()
        this._box = this._findNameByXamlID("box");
        this._box["Canvas.Left"] = this._XLocation;
        this._box["Canvas.Top"] = 10;
    this._box.addEventListener("MouseLeftButtonDown", Silverlight.createDelegate(this, this.handleMouseDown));
    PictureDownloadCompleted : function(sender, eventArgs)
        // The download of the picture has been completed
        // setSource(sender, "") will set the source for the Thumbnail
        // to value of "sender" which is the image
        var originalXaml = sender.ResponseText;
        var Thumbnail = this._findNameByXamlID("Thumbnail");
        Thumbnail.setSource(sender, "");
        //Also set the Reflection Image
        var Thumbnail_Reflection = this._findNameByXamlID("Thumbnail_Reflection");
        Thumbnail_Reflection.setSource(sender, "");
    handleMouseDown: function(sender, eventArgs)
        // Navigate to the website
        window.location.href = this._strWebsite;   