DotNetNuke 5 Hello World

How to make a simple Hello World Module using DotNetNuke 5

Also see: DotNetNuke 5 Hello World II (Using a Database)

Follow one of the the options below to install DotNetNuke 5.2 (or higher) to create a DotNetNuke Website:

Log into the website using the Host account.

From the Host menu, select Module Definitions

At the bottom of the Module Definitions page, select Create New Module

Select New from the Create Module From dropdown.

On the Owner Folder row, click Add Folder

Enter HelloWorld for the Folder Name and click Create Folder

On the Module Folder row, click Add Folder

Enter HelloWorld for the Folder Name and click Create Folder

The module will be created.

Using Visual Studio, open the DotNetNuke website by selecting File from the Toolbar, and then select Open Web Site...

In the Solution Explorer, you will see the HelloWorld module under the DesktopModules folder

Open the View.ascx file and switch to Design mode. Type Hello World! and save the page.

In the web browser, refresh the page and see the changes.

Next: DotNetNuke 5 Hello World II (Using a Database)

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